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Chinese translation for "observable condition"


Related Translations:
observable:  adj.1.看得见的,观察得出的;常见的。2.值得注意的,显著的。3.可[应]庆祝的。4.可[应]遵守的。n.1.值得注意的东西;感觉到[看得见]的事物。2.【物理学】可观察量;观察算符。adv.-bly
observable quantity:  可观测的量
observable deterioration:  外观可见的变质, 显著变质
observable information:  可观测信息
observable universe:  可观测宇宙可宇宙
observable controls:  可观察控制
maximal observable:  最大观测量
observable deterioratin:  外观变质;显著变质
observable surface:  可观测曲面
observable subspace:  可观测子空间
Example Sentences:
1.Backed up by the soplat theory based on particle kinematics , the second chapter of this paper presents with analysis and simulation of several single observer passive measurement models , which uses such relative movement parameters as bearings changing rates and centrifugal acceleration information on the basis of bearings measurements . in the third chapter , the observability of location respectively using bearings and its changing rates information and centrifugal acceleration information is analyzed , and its observable condition is got . the fourth chapter puts forward the modified covariance extended kalman filtering ( mvekf ) against the defect of traditional extended kalman filtering ( ekf ) , whose performance is simultaneously compared in the chapter with the performance of ususal tracking algorithm such as ekf , mgekf , iekf by computer simulation
在近年来提出的基于质点运动学原理的单站无源定位理论基础上,本文第二章提出了几种在角度测量的基础上增加角度变化率及相对运动的离心加速度等运动学参数的单站无源测量模型,并对它们进行了分析和仿真;第三章分别对利用角度及其变化率信息定位和利用离心加速度信息定位的可观测性进行分析并得到了相应的可观测条件;第四章针对传统扩展卡尔曼( ekf )方法的缺点,提出了一种修正协方差的扩展卡尔曼滤波( mvefk )方法,并将其和ekf 、 mgekf 、 iekf等常用的单站无源定位滤波方法进行了性能仿真比较;第五章通过引入雷达机动目标跟踪方法和模型,提出了利用角度及其变化率对机动辐射源跟踪的多级噪声自适应方法和imm方法;第六章主要对角度变化率和离心加速度参数的获取技术进行了研究,提出了几种高精度测量脉冲序列多普勒频率变化率的方法。
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